Florida offers an abundance of canoeing and kayaking opportunities that the entire family can enjoy, and no area has more than South Florida. According to our very reliable sources, Florida has more than a thousand miles of coastline and 1,700 rivers to explore. With the year-round tropical climate, South Florida offers an abundance of watery adventure for those who enjoy …
Combating Nature Deficit Disorder
Nature Deficit Disorder? Why yes, the term was first used by Richard Louv in 2005 in his best seller, Last Child in the Woods: Saving Our Children from Nature-Deficit Disorder. While not a medical diagnosis, it is a description of the alienation of humans from nature and its cost to humanity. It is no secret that humans (adults and children) …
Yes, Camp is For Every Child
Nearly every parent who has had the courage and foresight to send their child to camp has seen it. While at camp, your child grows in some way – whether it be only one area of growth or many – growth is always a result of camp. You may see your once shy child come out of his or her …
Why Choose Summer Camp For Your Child?
It is hard to believe, but in a few short months, school will be out! And knowing that, many of you are starting your summer planning – from family vacations to activities to keep the kids actively entertained all summer long. Now is the perfect time to consider summer camp for your children. Camp is really a great choice – …
It’s Almost Time – Don’t Miss Spring Break Camp!
It is hard to believe that winter is ending, and spring is nearly here! At Camp Live Oak, we know Spring Break is the perfect opportunity for kids to get out, play, and have loads of fun after months of school. If your kids have attended summer or winter sessions at Camp Live Oak they are probably already excited about …