It’s never too early to get kids excited about science! Some kids have a natural urge to learn more about the science behind our vast oceans. Florida is the perfect place for kids to learn all about marine science thanks to the marine life present throughout our beautiful State. For all of these reasons we have added marine science to …
How To Pick The Best Summer Camp For Your Kid
Trying to decide on the best summer camp for your child? It’s not an easy decision to make. After all, you want your child to have fun, make friends, learn a thing or two and most importantly remain safe. Ensuring that the camp you select offers all of this and more is easier than it seems. Here the top tips …
7 Tips For Mountain Bike Trail Safety For Kids
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Bikes provide kids with an unmatched freedom, allowing them to be the navigator as they cruise around town or up the side of a mountain. Bikes aren’t just fun for kids, they also offer a plethora of benefits. Bikes help fine tune motor skills, teach kids a thing or two about independence and keep them physically activity. For …
Preparing Your Child for Summer Camp
Summer camp time is soon upon us. Your son or daughter is excited to be finished with school for the year and ready for freedom and good weather. Many kids are signed up for or planning to attend a summer camp and are excited to return to a place they’ve been before. For kids who have never been to summer …
Top 3 Lesser-Known Summer Camp Benefits
Summer camp, although possibly not seen as life altering, can positively impact a young person for years down the road. It is difficult to know for sure if today’s firefighters, police officers, nurses, or military members chose their profession based on childhood circumstances. Or if they were born with a helping personality. Maybe it’s a little bit of both. But …