February is right around the corner, but the winter is far from over. In many areas of the country, the cold and snow has settled in and won’t be leaving for a while. Thankfully kids are in school and most of their time is taken up by being inside. But what about the weekends when they have a ton of …
Working Out with Your Kids
To follow up from our last blog about should kids work out, we thought it would be a great idea to give parents some ideas on just how to work out with their children. For some parents of younger children, having your child workout alongside you might not yet be an option. It’s best to keep things safe, and a …
Positive Parenting Tips
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]There are a million books, trends and parenting styles out there today. As a new parent, you will get advice from everyone and anyone. But what about once your kids are older? Should you stick to the same rules you did as a newbie? Most parents of adolescents will tell you NO! They’ve learned along the way that many of …
Should Kids Workout?
As parents, teachers, coaches and really anyone who works with children, most of us agree that kids need to be active. It’s typically recommended that kids be physically active for at least an hour every day. Between school, homework, music lessons and the like, finding time to play outside on a daily basis can be difficult. Many kids are also …
Family Activities for School Breaks That Everyone Can Enjoy
Now that it is winter, many of us are busy with work, the kids’ school, and the general craziness of everyday life. When breaks come, whether they be the long summer break, or a short school-period break, we often just stop and relax. That of course is not a bad thing, but after a few days, everyone gets a little …