Basic And Advanced PADI Certification For Kids


Basic And Advanced PADI Certification For Kids

PADI Certification For KidsFlorida is home to many amazing dive sites; from cave diving to open water diving there’s a world of gorgeous coral reef and marine life to explore. In order to see these underwater wonders, you’ll need to become certified in diving.

Basic Open Water Scuba Certification is acquired through learning and practicing how to safely scuba dive. Once you’ve got the basics down, you move onto Advanced Open Water Scuba Certification, which teaches more challenging skills required for diving independently and at deeper depths.

Camp Live Oak proudly offers both basic and advanced PADI Certification for kids as part of our many fun and enriching camp activities.

PADI Basic Open Water Certification

Basic Open Water Scuba Certification is for people that have never gone scuba diving before. This level of certification is acquired through learning how to scuba dive and use the equipment. Classroom materials are followed by hands-on practice.

We offer PADI Basic Open Water Certification programs for campers between 10 and 16-years-old. Our interactive course is 5-days of learning and doing, which at the end comes with a certificate recognizing basic scuba diving skills. There are never more than 10-12 campers per class, ensuring your child gets adequate one-on-one help and supervision.

The Process:

The week begins with informative classroom instruction, and builds up to pool and then boat dives.

  • Campers kick off the week learning the basics about diving, such as what the equipment is and how it works, what it feels like to go scuba diving and important safety tips.
  • Campers take to the pool to practice scuba diving for the first time in a safe environment. This gives them a chance to feel what it’s like to scuba dive and work through any kinks. The practice session includes detailed guidance as to how to put on, adjust and use equipment, as well as how to react in the instance something goes wrong.
  • When campers have gathered a good deal of knowledge and practice they get to move on to the big leagues… the ocean! This is the most exciting part for campers as they get to discover an entirely new world buried beneath the bright blue open waters.

Learn More Here:

PADI Advanced Open Water Certification

PADI Advanced Open Water Certification is the next level of scuba diving training. Don’t let the word ‘advanced’ scare you off, just because you are in the course doesn’t mean you have to feel like an advanced scuba diver. You just need to have already acquired basic PADI certification. There are no tests or forced activities, instead it’s all about having a good time and doing what you are comfortable with.

After getting hooked on diving through Basic Open Water Certification, campers often enthusiastically return for Advanced Open Water Certification. This program is open to campers 12 to 16-years-old, and is a great way to increase skills and learn more about nature and the environment, all while gaining self-confidence.

Skills learned through advanced certification include: deep diving, using a compass, and navigating using kick cycles, plus more. The program aims to teach campers things like maintaining perfect buoyancy and underwater navigation. Campers fine-tune their diving skills by working closely with a certified instructor. As a result of obtaining Advanced Open Water Certification, you learn how to safely explore the sea with more independence and dive to deeper depths with confidence.

Advanced Open Water Certification gives divers the skills to dive as deep as 100-feet. Safety is our greatest priority, as opposed to diving down to the max-recommended depth for each level. Instead of seeing ‘who can go the deepest’ we focus on safely having fun and learning new things.

To officially receive advanced PADI certification you must complete 5 dives. Our program goes beyond that with 8 total dives over the 5-day camp. Campers thoroughly enjoy all of these exciting adventure dives, including the chance to get up close and personal with Florida’s incredible coral reefs. Campers even have the opportunity to plant some of their own coral.

Learn More Here:

Camp Live Oak provides the perfect environment for your child to obtain PADI Basic or Advanced Open Water Certification. We combine official certification with fun learning opportunities, real-world applications and hands on activities you won’t find anywhere else.