Why You Should Work for a Local Kids Camp

Working for a local kids camp can be one of the most rewarding and fulfilling jobs for a teen or young adult. Sure you could go scoop ice cream, or paint houses, but why not instead work at a job that can change lives and have a great deal of meaning? Working with people is often a rewarding experience for …

5 Great Recipes for Campfires

Spring, summer and fall are a great time to get outside and enjoy the weather. Night times can also be a fun time with your kids, with campfires and ghost stories. What better way to enjoy a camp with your kids than to make some fun food? Instead of the traditional smore’s though, why not try something new? We’ve got …

Top 5 Spring Break Family Destinations

If you’re a family with time off for Spring break, wrapping your head around all of your travel options can be daunting. Parents can often relish in the thought that just having free time to relax is the best option in the world, but what about keeping the kids entertained? Not only do you want your kids to have fun, …

15 Classic Must-See Movies for Kids

15 Classic Must-See Movies for Kids As much as we want our kids to get outside and be active, there are times when it is just too cold or rainy to get out there. We have books for them to read, and educational games for them to play, but sometimes it is fun to just sit back and watch a good …

8 Great Role Models for Girls of Today

If you have a daughter who is pre-teen or teen-aged, keeping them focused and motivated is difficult. With social media, cell phones and movie stars constantly in their face, school, sports and work can be less of a priority. Introducing your daughter to some influential women of now and in history could help. Women have come a long way in …