Keep You and Your Kids Healthy this Flu Season

The flu season is in full swing, and if you’re a parent, you are either waiting fearfully, dealing with a sick child, or have already gone through the hell of watching your child be sick. Not only is it the absolute worst to see your child suffer, but they will also miss school, and possibly spread germs throughout the whole …

5 Myths About Parenting Teens

If you’re the parent of a teen, you know the ups and downs, the arguments, and sometimes the rebellion that comes with it. As an adult, it’s hard to relate to teens, but even harder to get them to relate to you. When you want to talk, they don’t. When they want something they seem more than willing to do …

Outdoor and Indoor Winter Activities For Kids

February is right around the corner, but the winter is far from over. In many areas of the country, the cold and snow has settled in and won’t be leaving for a while. Thankfully kids are in school and most of their time is taken up by being inside. But what about the weekends when they have a ton of …

Working Out with Your Kids

To follow up from our last blog about should kids work out, we thought it would be a great idea to give parents some ideas on just how to work out with their children. For some parents of younger children, having your child workout alongside you might not yet be an option. It’s best to keep things safe, and a …

Positive Parenting Tips

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]There are a million books, trends and parenting styles out there today. As a new parent, you will get advice from everyone and anyone. But what about once your kids are older? Should you stick to the same rules you did as a newbie? Most parents of adolescents will tell you NO! They’ve learned along the way that many of …