Let Them Know What to Expect
If this is your kid’s first time away at camp, time away from home can be scary. If you have the camp itinerary of a list of activities ahead of time, briefing your kids can lessen the anxiety. Give them a general idea of a day-to-day schedule from waking up in the morning, meals, activities, and people they might meet. This can help them not to go into the experience blindsided and can even build up their confidence. Let them know that summer camp is an adventure and that they will have a great time.
Prepare Them For Summer Camp
Now that you verbally walked them through a day at camp, it is time to prepare them for what is ahead. Provide comfort by immersing yourself in the experience with them by taking them shopping. Purchase clothing, shoes, and gear they may need depending on the activities outlined. This joint preparation can help your child feel more confident in the process.
Provide a Way of Communication
Depending on the summer camp you send your child to, they may or may not be able to carry a phone with them. However, there are other ways of communicating. Packing your child envelopes, paper, and stamps can allow them to communicate in some way.
Encourage Them to Be Open
Summer camp can provide a once-in-a-lifetime experience. If your child is on the shyer side then explain to them the benefits of being open to new experiences. Encourage them to participate in new things that they might discover they enjoy. Let them know that there will be other kids coming from all over. Encourage them to make new friends, reminding them camp is a great place to meet lifelong friends.
Introduce Them to Their Camp Counselors
While dropping your child off at camp, attempt to help navigate them to find their camp counselor. Counselors will be their main point of contact at camp and knowing who they are before you drive away can help ease your child’s anxiety. Explain to your child before arriving at the camp that counselors will be the ones they should go to if they have a problem. Encourage them to trust their counselors if something happens. Letting your child know there are also camp nurses or lifeguards can also let them know they are in good hands.
Maintain Positive Communication
Leaving your child at camp for the first time can be difficult for both the parent and the child. As a parent, it is essential to communicate positively about what is to come. Keep away from mentioning the topics of fear and homesickness. Rather, focus on the positivity of what to expect and the great time they will have. Furthermore, if your child attempts to communicate with you while away, continue to focus on the good. It is natural for them to feel homesick after a few days away. Keep the communication positive if they contact you about homesickness. Discuss with them about their experience, ask them for a memorable story, and express excitement in hearing what they have to say.
There’s Still Time
If you haven’t registered your child for one (or more) of the summer camp sessions at Camp Live Oak – there is still time to get them in on the summer fun! Call today![/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]